
日本語学級とは About Japanese Language Class

1. 学級の概要

(1)開 設 平成18年4月1日(通級〜在籍校に籍を置いたまま通う形態)
(2)学 区 八王子市全域

日本語学級からのお知らせ Information from Japanese Language Class


2. 日本語学級とは About Japanese Language Class


For students, school should be a place where they can enjoy learning, deepen their knowledge, and learn what is necessary for social life through group life. By having a fun and fulfilling school life, students will grow both mentally and physically every day.


However, because Japanese is not their mother tongue, they may not be able to fully understand Japanese, which is the basic language of life, and may not be able to communicate or understand what they are learning.


The purpose of the Japanese language classes is to help these students acquire Japanese language skills quickly so that they can enjoy a smooth and fulfilling school life as soon as possible.

3. 入級対象生徒 Target students


Students enrolled in Hachioji City Junior High School who do not have a sufficient level of Japanese language understanding are eligible to apply. The above will be confirmed by the parents, the principal of the enrolled school, and the principal of Uchikoshi Junior High School.

4. 学級教育目標 Classroom Education Objectives

  • 日本語を習得し、日本文化を理解しよう。 Learn Japanese and understand Japanese culture.
  • 基本的生活習慣を確立し、目的をもって学習しよう。 Establish a basic lifestyle and study with purpose.
  • 自国の文化を大切にし、誇りをもとう。 Value your own culture and take pride in it.

見学・入級について Observation and Enrollment

We welcome you to visit our classes and enroll in them at any time. Please contact us.